Welcome to Applewood!
The Applewood Property Owners Association (APOA) represents the interests of residents in the Applewood neighborhood near Golden, CO (boundaries). This site contains information that may be useful to residents and prospective residents:
Connect with neighbors on the Applewood Facebook page
Find out what the APOA board is working on
Find archives of past meetings and newsletters, APOA events and advocacy, and organizational documents.
Search various neighborhood resources - phone numbers, contacts, service providers, etc.
APOA Annual Dues
Food Trucks in the Park!
Starting April 2023, food trucks are back! APOA is once again partnering with Prospect Rec and Park District to host food trucks at Maple Grove Park. Come join us every THURSDAY, 5pm - 8pm.
Thanks to BLUE PAN PIZZA for being our weekly anchor this summer. Other trucks may rotate in to supplement as the summer goes on (schedule TBA), but Blue Pan will be there every week.