Architectural Review
The APOA has historically played a role in informing residents on their respective covenants in the neighborhood. However, APOA is not a homeowners' association. It does not have the capability to enforce deed restrictions or place liens or assessments against property, and it does not provide services or common facilities. In 2014, the APOA Board re-affirmed that the Board has no authority to enforce the expired covenants and chose to no longer play a role in researching old covenants or resolving neighbor disputes
As such, in 2014 the APOA Board disbanded the Architectural Review Committee and is no longer requiring neighbors to consult or gain approval from the APOA before any building or remodels. Neighbors must still adhere to zoning and building requirements of Jefferson County and should be mindful of any covenants that have historically applied to their area - which usually have been provided by your titling company. The APOA also encourages neighbors to discuss any building plans with their neighbors. However, the APOA will no longer be involving ourselves in neighbor disputes nor will we be taking action against neighbors for not adhering to covenants that the APOA no longer has any authority to enforce.