Clear Creek Crossing information updates
Post date: Feb 8, 2018 4:41:38 AM
Hi everyone,
Here are some updates that I have from Tyler Carlson at Evergreen Development.
Regarding maximum height limits for the properties along the North and Northeast part of the development (Planning Areas 1, 2, and 3):
"The 90’ height limit only applies to vertical mixed-use buildings where you have ground floor retail or restaurants and upper levels of residential or office and it matches the city’s Mixed-Use Interstate zoning, which city staff encouraged us to follow because it’s the closest zoning category to what we’re trying to accomplish in Planning Areas 1, 2, 3. We don’t contemplate any of these types of buildings in the project but included them as a potential to allow for a large employer since Clear Creek Crossing is a unique, regional site. In the event we move forward with a medical campus on Planning Area 1, the height limits applying to those buildings should be 65’ because they are traditionally single use, not mixed use buildings."
Regarding concerns about the number of residential units, and impacts on local schools:
"Approximately 300 apartment units are planned in Planning Area 2, which we call the Homestead District. The City estimates a maximum of 371 units based on height and density permitted in the zoning with the height limit being 65’, which is standard for 3 to 4 story multifamily projects. Jeffco Public Schools was contacted by City of Wheat Ridge during the referral process and provided a letter dated 6/7/17 indicating a total projection of 56 students in aggregate across all grade levels based on the maximum residential density, which [they indicated] can be easily accommodated at Maple Grove Elementary, Everitt Middle, Wheat Ridge High and Golden High. Jeffco Schools also requested fees-in-lieu-of-land dedications from the developer, which we will happily pay."
Note from Brian: I have an email in to Jeffco School Board member Ali Lasell and Jeffco Schools COO Steve Bell with follow-up question on how the fees are directed and confirmation of these numbers.
Regarding concerns about traffic:
"This topic has been studied exhaustively by Evergreen, CDOT and Wheat Ridge over the past 6 years and all parties and engineers involved agree the proposed roadway improvements to 40th Avenue, Clear Creek Drive, 32nd Avenue and the new I-70 hook ramps adequately address the traffic generation for the project. This significant traffic analysis at the expense of hundreds of thousands of taxpayer and private dollars and has been approved by the city and CDOT and factors in all potential uses for the property – retail, restaurant, entertainment, multifamily, hotel, medical, office."
Regarding concerns about height of buildings (potential hotel) near residences on Southeast side of the development (Planning Area 5, specifically):
"Building heights vary by planning area but 65’ is the maximum permitted for traditional uses. The good news is all of the homes to the south in Applewood sit between 20’ to 75’ above Clear Creek Crossing so topography will significantly diminish the impact of these height impacts. Most of the Harvest District (Planning Areas 5,6,7) sits 60’ below Applewood so even if a 65’ building is constructed, the majority of Applewood will look right over the top."
"As discussed above, the height limits adjacent to Applewood are 50-65’ but are mitigated by the topographic difference between Clear Creek Crossing and Applewood. At this point we anticipate most of the buildings in the Vineyard and Harvest Districts (Planning Areas 3-7) will be single story structures with heights around 25-35’ with the exception of potential hotel uses near the hook ramps or the intersection of 40th & Clear Creek Drive, which would be multi-story and require the taller height allowances. As a result of this hotel potential, the city is requiring larger landscape setbacks adjacent to low density residential uses, which will also help mitigate any height issues"
Regarding questions about grading and raising the elevation of the site:
"We’re working on a grading exhibit to share at the public hearing that illustrates the existing and proposed grading so neighbors can see the impacts of the heights discussed. As soon as we have that together, I’ll pass it along. The 500,000cy of fill sounds like a lot but when spread it across 80 developable acres it, unfortunately, doesn’t make a dramatic difference. Planning Areas 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 will be filled to basically match the elevation of I-70 adjacent to Planning Area 1, which will be about 60-75’ lower than Applewood. Planning Area 4 will be higher and sit about 10’ below Applewood because it sits on either side of the hook ramps (just north of La Quinta) and that area needs to be at the same elevation as Clear Creek Drive when it extends north from La Quinta. However, these Planning Area 4 pad sites are small, adjacent to the highway and anticipated to be single story highway retail uses similar to what’s south of La Quinta. The grading for Planning Area 5 is still being determined depending upon the use, which we won’t know until we get our zoning approved and can negotiate with end users. Regardless, it will sit significantly below the adjacent Applewood homes because the cost of filling that site up to their elevation would be cost prohibitive."
Regarding next steps and future opportunities for community input:
"We, of course, have the City Council meeting on 2/12 but that is the last zoning public meeting. There will be subsequent city council meetings for the subdivision plat and the public financing agreements between the city and the metro district and then each site within Clear Creek Crossing will come before Planning Commission for its Site Development Plan approval (building designs, landscaping, parking lots, etc.). As a result, there will be quite a few future opportunities for public engagement plus we are happy to have follow up meetings with the Applewood neighborhood association any time as well."
Note from Brian: APOA will likely invite Evergreen to our Annual Meeting tentatively slated for the evening of April 24th. Details to follow. If we want to schedule regular meetings with the developer for updates, we can try to accommodate that as well. If/when I get the update from Jeffco Schools, I will post that as well. Thanks to everyone for the lively discussion! Please keep it civil, factual, and constructive.... remember, we are all neighbors and friends, regardless of your stance on this. :-)